Let's Talk
Missouri Plain Folk
Tim and Charline Chambers
501 Hunter Avenue
Sikeston, Missouri 63801
We are Tim and Charline Chambers. Our friends in the antiques business know us as Missouri Plain Folk. Born and raised in the midwest, we have always been intrigued by the material culture found on early farms and in rural communities. What started in our native Missouri became an appreciation over the years for similar objects from other regions across the country. Since the beginning our focus has remained on country furniture and folk art with an emphasis on color, surface, form, and condition. Our interest in handmade painted game boards culminated in the publishing of Art of the Game; a full color hardcover book showcasing the collection of Selby Shaver. You can connect with us at a variety of shows throughout the year and always at www.facebook.com/MissouriPlainFolk.
The Chicago Suburban Antique Dealers Association